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10 Mental Health Reminders for Competitors Entering Improvement Season

September 15, 20221 min read

 10 Mental Health Reminders for Competitors Entering Improvement Season

Let me know which of these reminders resonates most with you!

I was inspired to share some of what I tell myself and support my clients in integrating into their thoughts processes when making this transition

The thing is, you took yourself to limits you’ve never been before through your most recent prep and every prep

This likely means a lot had to shift within you and when the season ends it can feel a lot like the overhead bin of an airplane…

you know all you need is still up there but it may have shifted in transit…

so be mindful when opening your overhead bin and don’t take other peoples’ “stuff” as your own…

If you’re looking for more support I have tons of free mental health resources HERE!

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Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_fit

Let's Build More than Just a Body


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