


May 07, 20182 min read


10 Random Facts About Me ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I was tagged to share so here are 10! Let me know if we have any in common💖
1. I love sleeping and naps and can fall asleep anywhere but have a tendency to fall asleep even when I don’t mean to or want to.
2. Exercise and nutritious eating are actually a lifestyle for me now, I truly do love the choices I make daily.
3. I have always believed in love even when I went through tough relationships.
4. I am outrageously optimistic (is that possible tho) that sometimes makes me feel like I’m letting myself/others down if I don’t hit my ‘big’ goals.
5. I’ve never been in debt to anyone or anything and I’ve been the sole investor monetarily in my business, even if it did mean asking for a website URL for my birthday way back when I started 😂
6. I love the mountains and must live somewhere I can see them and access them
7. I am super intuitive and tend to pick up on others energy very easily which can be super draining but it allows me to show up better for others which I like.
8. I’m a lover of all things cookies and chocolate (I really don’t discriminate) so if you want my address to send me some for fun I will happily provide 😂
9. I haven’t had soda since i was 13 years old (8+years)
10. I have never been fearful of my own death but I’m always afraid to lose the ones I love! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Since I can’t tag everyone I would love if you could share some facts about you in the comments below for entertainment purposes and to get to know each other more!
(Also this is a pic from before my back to back show in February!)

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Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_fit

Let's Build More than Just a Body


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