

Jana Proves to Herself that Peace with Food can Beat her Past with Food

February 20, 20214 min read

I remember when Jana first started going through my 8 Day Free Food Relationship Coaching Series

She emailed me every day, with action taken from each part of the free program (it is quite in depth if you really get into it), and I provided her feedback each day as I promise to

By the end, we got on a little bonus call she had gifted herself and I told her she had already made so much progress and if she really wanted to do the Food Relationship Healing & Discovery 1:1 Coaching Program, her momentum would only continue

She told me she had actually been planning to do the program given she had just come out of her first competition season and had been listening to my Confessions of a Bikini Pro podcast and would hear me talk about the work I do!

She didn't realize that she had an unhealthy relationship with food because on prep she was on point!

But when she came out of her shows she realized she was falling back into old patterns which took her back to a scary time battling breast cancer and didn't want the relationship with food she never resolved to resurface after prep

Jana says, "...truth be told I didn't realize how much I needed it until I was in the middle of it."

It took going through this program to accept that your why can change and evolve with the season you are in and trying to cling to prep mode is only going to hurt her more as an athlete long term.

Jana realized that food was not inherently bad and if she gave herself the freedom to trust herself then she wouldn't sabotage herself!

She went from eating something off plan, saying screw it and leading to a binge or overeating, then punishment and then going into the same repetitive cycle but now she shares, "I am learning to meet that head-on instead of waiting for it to sabotage...I'm fixing it beforehand and it's given me confidence and self-control that I didn't know I had..."

Working with Jana was a pleasure because she stayed consistent. I knew she would dig deep, I knew she would commit to the work, and I knew the more she said yes to herself and her needs then the more progress she would make so I definitely pushed her with lots of questions, resources, and action steps

She even says, "You [Celeste] asked amazing questions, you helped me dig deep and not be afraid"

Many of my clients tell me they appreciate the depths I take them too. This is honestly because I am not there to tell you what to do or why things are happening all the time

Yes, the program has lots of psychoeducation
Yes, the program is full of resources and tools from me
Yes, there will be lots of questions answered, insight provided, and evidence based practices employed...but ultimately none of this is what creates success for my girls, it is them showing up every day even when it isn't 'perfect' and continuing even when they feel lost, stuck, helpless, scatterbrained...

Like Jana says, "Ultimately if we can't be happy with ourselves then we're really just not gonna be happy towards other people."

I am so happy to see Jana's growth and so grateful she trusted me on her journey so she could truly make the most of her first improvement season!

If you are looking for support and guidance with your relationship with food you can either take the path Jana took (enroll in my Free Series first) then learn about and apply for my Food Relationship Coaching Program

Or you can just jump straight into the program and take Jana's word for it ;)

If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to reach out to me and let me know what you are struggling with to see if and how I can help you. If I cannot help you then I will absolutely send you to someone who can and make sure you are taken care of.

Jana is also willing to answer any of your questions and I have lots of clients who are always willing to share their stories and open up about their experience with me, sometimes it is best to go straight to the source so I am happy to connect you if you can't find them through my client wins story highlights or tags on testimonials :)



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Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_fit

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