

Be willing to risk what is for what could be.

July 10, 20212 min read


If a voice in your head whispers an idea that seems crazy, listen closer, take note, don’t question it, & you might just be given the greatest gift of your life.

I’m glad my mind swirled with thoughts that led me to starting Confessions of a Bikini Pro Podcast.

I thought…
Do pros struggle with this too?
What do these women do outside of the sport?
What are they really like?
What clues to success might they have in their journey?
Why aren’t bikini pros getting more attention for who they are & the work they do?
Who are the women behind this fast growing division?

The swirl of thoughts turned into the idea of starting a podcast.

Doubt was short lived when my mom told me to go for it, not to worry about what it takes of me or how it could impact my business (at the time I wasn’t serving competitors), & to do something for fun & because I had a fire burning to do it.

So I did.

The only reason the podcast has made the impact it has is because of you.

For sharing the show, being part of it, contributing, listening, rating, reviewing…

It’s the best decision I ever made because it brought me closer to the community I love & want nothing but the best for.

It led me to bringing my services & focusing my passion for mental health here.

It fostered friendships & connections.

It granted me the opportunity to become a better listener & communicator.

It has given me the chance to meet amazing athletes from all over the world online & in person.

I appreciate all the support & kind words.

I remember I started it thinking I wouldn’t contribute much to the show, mostly ask questions & connect dots.

I realize how wrong I was & how much more powerful the messages & stories could be if I was willing to share my own experiences, knowledge, & insight sprinkled throughout the show.

Now I am blessed with messages & kind words of how much my contributions on the episode mean, which I am so grateful for.

If you’ve ever doubted your ability to add value or if it’s your “place” to or if it will be “wanted” just go for it!

Be willing to risk what is for what could be.

It’s probably better on the other side anyways.

Thank you for listening to the show that led me to my souls work❤️🧠

You can listen to the podcast on any streaming platform or YouTube just search for Confessions of a Bikini pro podcast or visit:

. have you ever thought about starting a podcast? Email me and let me know!

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Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_fit

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