
It's all possible!

BUILD MORE THAN JUST A BODY 2021 VIP day video❤️???

October 03, 20211 min read

This video is from the VIP day of my event in August! The first of many…

I’m so grateful for the women who showed up, the bonds formed, and the growth that occurred on BOTH days of the event!

I LOVE when girls from my events continue growing together. Some of them will text me that they’re getting coffee or they’ll dm me on IG or I see them supporting each other! These girls even sent me pics supporting Katie at her show! It was so awesome❤️🥺

Should I host an event in Arizona this year?

If the demand is serious, I’ll put something new together 😍

In the future, likely after I complete my masters program (august 2022 baby!), my goal is to host group psychotherapy retreats, small multi-day masterminds, and an even bigger event like conference style…I can see it now

You can always get your name on my live event update list and suggest locations at

plan to be in the game for a very long time soooo, we have a lot to look forward to!

By the way…you can now receive texts from me! I’ll be sending out little motivational inspos, coaching prompts, mental game hacks, tips, giveaways, first access to new things, events, and who knows what else!? It’s all for YOU! Just text the word ‘community’ to 866-716-0768 😍

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Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_fit

Let's Build More than Just a Body


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