Have you ever looked in the mirror & not recognized yourself?
Thinking things like:
How did I get so fat?
Why did I let this happen?
What happened to me?
I don’t even look like I compete or workout!
I have. It sucks to not like what you see in the mirror
Especially because it reflects the things you haven’t been loving about yourself
Like the decisions you’re making with food or the way you‘re feeling about the gym or just doing things so ‘out of character’
I discovered something life changing in my self-loathing
No matter what you look like, it is easier to love yourself & your body when you LOVE yourself through actions
When I’m accomplishing goals, being mindful, nourishing & moving my body with intention, etc.
It makes it so much easier to see a reflection I Love in the mirror
It really isn’t all about the shape of our body
When we know the action we’re taking supports our goals, we can love the present version of ourselves more for supporting our big vision
It can feel like fog is in front of our eyes distorting our view of ourselves
How could I go from feeling like a kickass competitor to feeling like a big fluff?
Even when we know we aren’t, sometimes we feel this way due to the 1 or 2 things that are ‘off’
Mental fog showed up:
When I was binging I didn’t Love myself as much bc I felt I didn’t know myself or could control myself
When I was doing extra cardio or restricting food to try & get back to normal
When I was sneaking bites of food in private to fill the void in my life that I was no longer who I committed to being
When I equated my success & worth to numbers on the scale or %s
But, What clears fog? Heat
How does love, acceptance, & peace feel? Warm
So what did I do to now Love what I clearly see in the mirror?
Filled myself up with more love & acceptance through a whole lot of peace making
Peace with food, my body, & my goals
Which has fueled my mission to help other bikini competitors do the same using my signature PTG Process
Contact me to chat on what’s going on for you, come up with an action plan, determine if we’re a good fit to execute on it together, & move fwd from there with how that will look
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