
It's all possible!

Food Anxiety…

November 23, 20222 min read

 Food Anxiety…

finishing or trashing all the 'treats' in your house so they are out of sight out of mind

making people hide certain foods from you

not buying food for your kids, significant other, or others because you don't trust yourself

avoiding settings where food will be abundant because it gives you anxiety to consider passing it up, missing out, or having to explain yourself 

always having to 'make the most' out of your macros, refeeds, cheats because you don't know when you’ll get it again

waiting until everyone leaves the room, goes to bed, or isn’t home to finally eat everything

macro hoarding or food restriction

forcing yourself to stay out of the kitchen during the day because you can't stop grabbing food

doing 'perfect' all day but then losing it

beating yourself up for going from 'on point all prep' to 'no discipline or willpower or control now'

fixating on food & planning for when you will 'get' to eat them

These are some common signs of disordered thinking about food, behavior with eating, & maladaptive coping, avoidance, & inconsiderate approaches that are indicative of a person's beliefs

I used to believe it was not possible to have a healthy relationship with food while working toward my goals

I was always anxious with food not just in choices I was making but how I spoke about it, handled when others would bring it up, & felt around it

I lived with an all or nothing mentality that led me down sad unhealthy behaviors that were so unkind to my body for years

It wasn’t until I focused on the inner work that I was able to make peace with food & my body & prove I could have this positive relationship with myself while also being fit

It’s become my mission to help others #BUILDMORETHANJUSTABODY by combining psychology, mindfulness based eating practices, personal development, & counseling experience to support you in having your most fulfilling & empowering approach to your goals

If you’d like to work with me you can visit or start with my free food relationship coaching series at both linked in bio @celestial_fit

Ps chocolate is my love language

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Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_fit

Let's Build More than Just a Body


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