Today would have been my mom’s birthday. Last night I finally watched this tribute video made by Big Brothers Big Sisters & TEAM that I never had the courage to watch until now. I compiled these clips to share only a glimpse of an hour of people my mom loved & encountered sharing their experience of her. I was in awe. There are other videos from other groups I still have yet to watch. But this was a beautiful place to start and I hope you enjoy hearing a little about my mom as I think she was a powerful example of what one person can really do in the world in such a short time if they give their all which she always did💜 soak in the people around you and celebrate them now for all they are so they knew and know how you felt even before they’re gone. We never know when it could be the last time. I could share all the amazing ways my mom was my mom, but she was so much more than my mom to the world….🌎 ❤️🙏🏻
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