

How can you Love your WHOLE self? The secret code...literally

August 19, 20182 min read


It’s incredibly hard to love your whole self if you don’t know yourself. And it’s incredibly difficult to get to know yourself without the willingness to tune in to hear and honor your souls deepest cravings and desires.
When you love your whole self it’s not just about loving who you are or the things you do but it’s about loving yourself through the action you take.
So maybe you start saying no more, or maybe you finally go do that thing you’ve been putting off, or you reach out to new people, or you stop doing the things you know deep down you don’t like but that you have wired into your identity and therefore are afraid to stop.
Loving your whole self doesn’t just click for everyone. It’s a relationship that you’re getting into which is nearly inexplicable because to try and explain it would be to try and explain ones own consciousness.
The soul is within the body and the body contains a mind that influences this relationship.
One of my favorite things to do with my clients is have them get to know their CORE SOUL CODES then from there determine what’s necessary to satisfy those deepest values of themselves as a soul so everything they do can be in favor, honor, &/or alignment of those core soul codes.
Want me to walk you through the process? Send me a message and I’ll see if or how it can help you ❤️✨🙌🏻.
P.S. want some self-love inspo? I made a cute lil printable for you to download for free and refer to daily for ideas on ways to express love to yourself. You can find it HERE. These are some of my favorite so I hope you implement and enjoy them!🤗☀️

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Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_fit

Let's Build More than Just a Body


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