
It's all possible!

Prerequisites to Sustaining Results

October 06, 20202 min read

Prerequisites to Sustaining Results

Take pride in your results by sustaining, honoring, & capitalizing on them

I know self-sabotage, self-doubt, self-loathing, & self-consciousness all too well

In the past, I would justify limiting beliefs, habits, and behaviors because it was easier than facing them head on...If I only knew then what I know now

Our identity & self-concept is complex and made up of many variables and influences

From our upbringing, environment, peers, societal norms, culture, experiences, genes, nutrition, much goes into who we see ourselves as, how we form a definition around these identities we take on, & what we choose to do with them

By recognizing that you’re identity is malleable, you can empower yourself to change it & act from a new version of you

While some believe you are doomed to your destiny & must learn to cope, others support the theory that you can transform your reality when you transform your identity

If you’d like me to send you direct resources on this feel free to DM me I’m more than happy to

But when I saw myself as a depressed, anxious, never enough, fat, unworthy woman—I created a reality to support this

Naturally our brains & body like homeostasis & fine tune our attention & actions based on those running “norms” & expectations

But when I started accepting myself fully as the other identities I saw in myself like a confident leader who loves herself, has peace in her skin, accepts their is room for growth, & knows she is worthy, capable, & deserving—I took more empowering & self loving actions

In the past, after a competition I would sabotage my results & hard work with binges, private food sneaking, & self-criticism that spiraled into “Ive already messed up anyway or I’m so fluffy now” that I literally created a spiral of messing up & getting “fluffier” in unhealthy ways (just to be clear!)

As time progressed & I chose to face my demons I was able to work through my disordered eating behavior, exercise abuse, self-deprecating behaviors, & body image struggles

This freed me up to be more of the woman I knew I truly was with love in my heart, exploding passion to make an impact, & the ability to sustain the results I created because I finally knew I DESERVE them!!

I know it is possible to BUILD MORE THAN JUST A BODY

Will you give yourself the chance to create a new reality?

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Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_fit

Let's Build More than Just a Body


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