

Releasing the Pressure Around Me By Focusing on the Peace Within Me

July 14, 20203 min read


I wrote this down the first time California went on lockdown.
It still applies and always has. Now that where I am at has been forced to shutdown again, I am using this affirmation to keep me feeling level and motivated.
The best thing we can all do right now is stay diligent with perspective.
I felt so sad yesterday in the gym when the closest people in my life all started sending me screenshots and texts of the governor's announcement closing the gyms.
I teared up a little and also felt so much anger (actually benefited my workout lol).
I felt sooo many emotions and just like I had been punched in the gut AGAIN because I have this goal to step on stage again, requalify for nationals (I took time off after last show to recover and build), and compete for my pro card, yet these closures and the unknown keeps getting the best of my plans.
I felt different than the first time this happened back in March.

Both times I have been VERY close to my show date.
So, it sucks to say the least haha.
BUT here's the part about perspective...
I feel motivated and I am using this as an opportunity to drive me forward.
Choosing to see this as the best thing that could happen rather than the worst because I know that I wouldn't be going through this if I wasn't equipped to handle it (hello, been there done that literally deja vu)
And it wouldn't be happening if it wasn't part of my journey to becoming the person I am meant to & seek to become
I have taken this year in stride and will continue to. I have SO much to be proud of, and am so seriously proud of myself!
I don't want to dwell on the 'could haves' or 'wish I would haves' when all I have is right now and In this moment I have the choice to either make the most of it or succumb.
The other day I was describing to my dad how I literally felt like I was in a movie scene like a fighter getting punched but coming back up and fighting no matter how beat up they get.
Granted, I don't feel like this has been a beat down either since I have handled it with positivity and do recognize what a privilege it is to be able to compete or choose to compete in this time, let alone at all
And I am certainly not complaining about the prep because it has been incredibly fulfilling
BUT, my feelings about the constant unknown are not diminished or invalid because of that either
When you want something, and you are meant to have it, your will to accept and commit to it will likely be tested
I am releasing all the pressure around me but focusing on that peace within me--laser focus, positive expectancy, and preparation to do what's not only necessary but also best for me now and long term
Could you use some more affirmations right now?
Check out these resources:
Here are some other affirmations you might like:

is a link to get a full card deck of affirmations:

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Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_fit

Let's Build More than Just a Body


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