

Why You Need a 'Things that Make me Happy' List

June 08, 20193 min read


When I was 18 I finally started going to therapy. I had been going through my days wondering when depression would hit me and being fearful of it avoiding my own self like the plague, I had enough of It and expressed to my parents I was still suicidal and sad.
When I started seeing my therapist she told me to make a list of all the things I love to spend my time doing and even would like to spend more time doing, this is actually the list in this picture- I kept it as a reminder of how far I have come, what my purest needs are, and how important it is to really do more things we love to do. If you make one, I would love to see it!
This is not just helpful for people with depression or anxiety. But all people. It is truly a fantastic personal development exercise as it can reveal many of your values, needs, and desires. I have passed this on to many clients and friends because it is so simple too.
And there is no pressure to go out and do it all at once but writing down that you love to look at the stars sure makes you stop and look up more often when you get out of the car. And that moment of peace or happiness or realization of the expansion around us, could make the difference for the night or the week or the next hour and that is a BIG deal for anyone struggling.
Depression is an ill-defined problem, which means that there is no clear solution. Every case really is different. Depression is also often comorbid. Mine showed up with anxiety specifically, which many people experience. There are many different disorders that can show up as an anxiety typed disorder. It also is prevalent among those with eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder.
Unfortunately, when depression is comorbid with something else it means the person diagnosed has been diagnosed to qualify with the symptoms of both which makes the case much more severe. Usually comorbidity increases the likelihood of suicide.
Many people will self-diagnose but the Diagnostic statistic manual is what Americans are diagnosed using. Regardless, it is important to know that sometimes these things come as a package deal all at once or one causes the other.
Good news, we are all different. Bad news, we are all different. Each of us requires a different approach usually. Even one-degree difference can make ALL the difference.
For me, this was something that I vividly remember sitting down to create and making me feel good in the moment. I was told not to choose things I had to make a lot of effort to do but to just list the things that made me happy and I liked to spend my time doing.
Then I brought them to her, and we decided I would start doing more of those things. And I got happier. Obviously, this wasn’t the all-powerful healing method that changed everything, but it was part of the journey. A part I am happy to share with you and tell myself, even if one person does this and benefits, that is a degree of change worth posting this for.
Let me know if you make this and how you feel, post a pic on your story and tag me or if it is more private send me a dm I would love to celebrate your loving action with you.

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Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_fit

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