Why Wouldn’t You Love Yourself?
Self-love is not always about looking for all these new reasons & ways to #loveyourself
Sometimes it’s just realizing what’s not to love! When we see what we DON’T love, we shine light on the dark place.
Think of yourself like a bookshelf, there could be a lot of books that you don’t love,
but trying to squeeze in what you love or find alllll the things you do love would be a lot harder than just getting rid of what you don’t particularly love in the first place.
We have to create space to let love in which means change is required! brain screams in fear
Basically, if you want to love yourself more, become aware of what parts of you are NOT your ideal!
This doesn’t mean you go: “Well, I hate all of me & the only thing I love are my lips so I’m never going to love myself”
Let’s be real
I used to be able to point out all these things I didn’t love about myself
From physical characteristics to past mistakes or lil habits/quirks I had
Next, I took note of why I wouldn’t or didn’t love those things.
After that, I asked myself: “Of these things, what can I change or control?” Then, I let go of what I couldn’t change & I gained control of what I could.
The things I could not change...I could learned to accept & love!
This involved forgiveness, inner healing, rewriting belief systems, & a commitment to myself
Much of what I used to loathe have now turned into things I love or have transformed!
I have used my own experience, knowledge, practices, & processes with many other women & I know this is my purpose!
I love love love working with women worldwide to increase their self love and make peace with themselves accept who they are, & see themselves worthy of all they truly desire
I believe Self-love makes achieving our dreams easier as we become naturally inspired to take actions toward our goals as we see ourselves as worthy of it!
Loving yourself should never be put off🥰🥰 Don’t wait on it, make yourself a priority and watch the rest of your life shift ❤️
Ps I have a cute 18 ways to love yourself printable you can get HERE
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