
It's all possible!


August 16, 20184 min read


It’s scary and weird to me that we live in a society that is shifting from LOSE fat to ACCEPT and LOVE fat.
Why is it weird to me?
Because too much fat can kill you, destroy you, tire you out, mess with the function of your body like your organs, heart, circulation, and overall performance (not just in exercise) but for something as simple as tying your shoe.
I’m all for body acceptance and body love and I have my own methods and practices that I teach to my clients and use myself to love my body more regardless of how it looks but have we forgotten why losing body fat was so important in the first place?
The problem is...everyone wants to connect the outcome of LOWERING BODY FAT to shape, size, worth, and aesthetics RATHER than what it is ESPECIALLY good for like oh, I don’t know YOUR health, function, and the way you FEEL.
If you carry too much fat, especially in your abdomen, you’re doing your body loads of harm. You don’t have to have an 8 pack or even a 2 pack, hell you don’t even have to have an entirely flat stomach...
...but PLEASE, for your HEALTH and the love of your SOUL, be kind to your body and make an effort to help her function at a high level by committing to losing the excess fat that is harming you and maybe even killing you slowly or putting you on the verge of disease.
Fat doesn’t have to be ‘beautiful’ or ‘ugly’ it can just be what it is, fat. Associating all these judgment words to it actually, in my opinion, defeats the purpose of its existence as a whole. It insulates and protects us and serves many functions like helping many women create better environments for babies or hormones! But too much, isn’t so great for anyone...
The body positivity movement (and anything closely related) would be a helluva lot better if it actually WASN’T so focused on this stigma of how we LOOK but rather how we FEEL AND FUNCTION!
Yes, Love your shape always and connect your value to your soul, but PLEASE do not put yourself and your SOUL at risk just because you don’t want, Believe, have failed at, or just don’t know how to lose the fat or you think others might judge you!
You can do it healthfully, and you can sustain it. This doesn’t mean you are doing it to ‘look’ a certain way and even if you were WHO CARES?! It’s your body and it will benefit you in the long haul when done right.
If someone else has a problem with t then that is THEIR own problem to own, not yours. Just focus on what YOU want and NEED, what is ultimately best for YOU?
Because, when we give our soul a home that allows the soul to express, live, and show up at the HIGHEST level then we are TRULY LOVING OUR BODY, RECOGNIZING OUR SOUL IS WORTH IT, and EXPERIENCING OUR LIFE AS OUR MOST OPTIMIZED SELVES. And what could be better than that?
This is why I am here. As a coach I not only want to help facilitate a lifestyle change that supports your health and even your body shape goals but I want the process to be fueled by love and appreciation of the powerhouse of a gift your body is for your soul. I am not only here to help shift your physical choices but your inner world that is responsible for creating and sustaining them.
I would like to invite you to work with me in my Build More than Just a Body Program. This is completely 1:1 and built for you, your goals, and your body/life’s needs and you can apply for it here:
work with a select few people per month because I spend lots of time on the details. I do have different options available for coaching and would be happy to see if or how I can help you.
Just click HERE to apply and I’ll get back to you in no more than 48 hours!
Looking forward to seeing who takes action for themselves and their health goals today!
Lots of love,
Celeste Rains-Turk: Celestial_fit
Build More than Just a Body

Disclaimer/Side note: there is also such thing as TOO LITTLE fat, this can be and is just as if not more unhealthy than TOO MUCH. Let's focus on finding a HEALTHY equilibrium for you and your body to maintain and THRIVE at!

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Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_fit

Let's Build More than Just a Body


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