Custom HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPTIn this episode, Celeste Rains-Turk, speaks with Jessie Palmer, one of this years Arnold classic competitors, who has been competing since 2013, earned her pro card in 2015 at NPC Universe, is a coach to 12 bikini athletes under Fit Body Fusion team and and also has a degree in dental hygiene which is a career she has been working in full time now for 9 years.
Tune in to hear how Jessie got into the sport, what she does to manage her time as a very busy woman, what she things about the look of bikini and how its evolved/where it is going, why she follows an if it fits your macros approach, and how bodybuilding allowed her to get over a quarter life crisis and teach her how she can do anything!
Jessie even shares what the application process is like to get into the Arnold Classic, why she has been dreaming of this stage for years now, and what she is doing to prepare for it since she only had a short time off after a season of 8 shows!
To Connect with Jessie follow her on Instagram:
Jessie didn't get to mention all her sponsors but she has them all listed on her Instagram so make sure to go show her some love and see what she was raving about!
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