Custom HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPTOn this episode of coaches' series Celeste Rains-Turk features the power couple behind Team Cosmic Bodies featuring Lauren Dannenmiller who has a BS in Health Science and has been a guest on the show as an IFBB bikini pro who won the 2017 NPC National bikini overall champion title and competitor Kyle Burns who has his BS in health and exercise science and is in pre doctorate stages for physical therapy.
Celeste starts off the episode by asking Lauren and Kyle to share their coaching philosophy. Kyle explains how their priority is to take the most responsible approach possible and heavily emphasize educating their clients. Celeste then asks Kyle what inspired him to pursue his doctorate in Physical Therapy while also running his business. After discussing his goals in terms of his education, Celeste uses Kyle’s response to transition into the question of how he and Lauren know how far they can push an athlete.
Lauren shares her thoughts on how both the athlete’s level their goals help determine how hard she will push them during their prep. Both Lauren and Kyle highlight the importance of trust and communication with their clients and how that affects the levels they are willing to push them to. Next, Celeste asks them how they prioritize their energy and focus since they coach clients at various levels and goals.
Then, Lauren, and Kyle discuss their thoughts on a natural athlete’s potential for success in the NPC given that they may not be genetically gifted. Lauren and Kyle share their experiences and insight about the importance of patience and understanding that natural athletes, especially new to competing, need to be realistic with their expectations and timelines for their goals and how “living the lifestyle” will benefit them long term. Lauren, having been a natural athlete her entire competing career, shares valuable insight from her own experiences and again emphasizes how patience is key for both success and longevity in the sport.
From there, Celeste asks Lauren and Kyle how they prioritize their clients hormone health. Lauren mentions why her and Kyle prefer longer preps for their clients and how that method allows for refeeds and diet breaks which both can help maintain healthy hormone levels for as long as possible during prep.
They also mention how tracking a female competitors cycle adds to their data collection for their prep and how it plays a role in how they can better coach their clients.
Celeste then asks Lauren and Kyle how they deal with the mental and emotional demands involved with coaching. The couple shares that although it’s still a work in progress, they have learned from their mentors about the importance of setting boundaries and specifying days or time away from work.
They share that they feel this will give them not only longevity in coaching but allows for them to invest time and attention to their relationship. Next, Celeste asks Lauren and Kyle what they feel makes a good coach and team.
The couple discusses what they feel is important and also mention goals they have for the future of Team Cosmic Bodies while still sticking to their principles and philosophies.
Celeste then asks Lauren and Kyle what important questions an athlete should ask during the initial interview process and afterwards they share some of their coaching pet peeves.
Celeste then asks Lauren and Kyle’s opinion on politics in competing. The conversation transitions into athlete qualities, and Celeste has Lauren and Kyle share what they feel separates the good from the phenomenal athletes.
After discussing coaching philosophy Celeste starts the hypothetical round of questions. Celeste starts off the round by asking: if she was a competitor with overall wins under her belt, wanting to hit the national circuit yet is looking for a new coaching approach, why would she hire Lauren and Kyle.
Lauren shares her experiences on her journey through various national shows on her road to pro and explains why those lessons make her a great coach. Next, the couple discusses how they address clients who express that they don’t feel they are ready for their upcoming show.
Lauren and Kyle also share what they would like a first time competitor to know before deciding to commit to a contest prep. Celeste then asks how the couple approaches training and nutrition when a client comes to them after a bad rebound. Lastly, Celeste asks if Lauren and Kyle would still put an athlete on stage if they have executed their plan to a tee, except for their posing and stage presentation.
Celeste then moves on to the rapid fire round of questions, asking the couple to give short one-sentence answers to topics such as waist trainers, macros vs meal plans, fed vs fasted, and HIIT or steady state cardio, water cutting and supplements. Based off of their responses, Celeste takes the lead and asks Lauren and Kyle to expand on their thoughts on water cutting during peak week and before a show.
Next, Celeste asks the couple to share why they advocate for the use of creatine. After discussing creatine and other supplementation, Kyle shares his thoughts on waist trainers. To conclude the episode, Lauren and Kyle tell listeners where and how they can find and connect with them further.
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Time Stamps:
[0:50] Celeste introduces Lauren and Kyle, the coaches and owners of Team Cosmic Bodies.
[2:00] Celeste asks Kyle to share the team’s coaching philosophy.
[5:48] Celeste asks Kyle what inspired him to go for his doctorate while running his business.
[8:50] Lauren and Kyle discuss how they know how far to push their athletes.
[14:00] Celeste asks Lauren and Kyle how they prioritize their focus and energy with clients of many different levels.
[15:45] Lauren and Kyle share their opinions on an athlete’s potential for success in the NPC if they are not genetically gifted.
[19:45] Lauren and Kyle share how they discuss with their clients realistic expectations, goals, and timelines for muscle gain in natural athletes.
[21:55] Celeste asks Kyle and Lauren how they prioritize their clients hormone health.
[28:00] Lauren and Kyle share how the deal with the mental and emotional demands involved with coaching.
[32:30] Celeste asks what makes a coach a good coach and a team a good team.
[36:00] Lauren and Kyle discuss what questions they feel athletes should ask before hiring a coach.
[38:15] Lauren and Kyle share their industry pet peeves.
[41:35] Celeste asks Lauren and Kyle about politics in competing.
[43:40] Lauren and Kyle talk about the differences between good and phenomenal athletes.
[46:10] Celeste starts the hypothetical round of questions.
[57:50] Celeste starts the rapid fire questions.
[59:45] Celeste asks Lauren & Kyle to expand on their response to water cutting.
[61:50] Celeste asks why Lauren & Kyle advocate for the use of creatine.
[63:30] Kyle shares on his thoughts on waist trainers.
[69:30] Lauren and Kyle share how listeners can connect with them further.
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